Our Team

We would love to get know you better.

Let’s Connect this Sunday!


Jeff Greer

Senior Pastor

Andy Keimer

Pastor of Family Life

David Avery

Operations Director

Debbie Greer

Women’s Ministry Director

Jen Neyer

Worship Leader & Creative Arts Director

Sam Grant

Communications Director

Cory Browning

Children’s Ministry Coordinator

Jodene Snyder

Office Administrator Assistant

Karen Buddemeyer

Finance Manager

Eddie Dunn

Facilities & Maintenance

Kevin Schwieger

Partner Pastor Luke5Adventures

Chuck Proudfit

Partner Pastor At Work On Purpose



Our Elders shepherd, oversee, lead, and care for the local church.


Arthur Hart

Brian Pierce

Chuck Proudfit

Scott Smith

Will Housh



Thank you to all our Volunteers who continue to serve behind the scenes.